
I have began to purchase props and experiment with lighting as well as create some sculptures for my ballroom installation. My initial intention was to make two chandelier sculptures which would be very complex and take a lot of thought of how to install them in the installation without them moving around or distracting from the performance art taking place. For these reasons I decided to buy a pair of chandelier stickers which would be applied to the wall at the back of the installation.



As well as this I went out to buy more props for the installation such as plastic wine glasses, table cloths and masquerade masks. I also plan on assembling and gluing the plastic glasses together to serve as a sculpture as well as a stage prop. I am hoping to create a very formal setting in a clean white cube setting within the Shaun Project Space, Priestman Building.

The masquerade masks will be worn by the models as well as being displayed on the table. I will take photographs for evidence of the exhibition and also allow the public to view the installation for themselves with hopes to receive feedback from people.

I have three student volunteers for the installation which will take place hopefully within the next two weeks. The models will wear ballgowns and will be viewed under colour tinted spot-lights.





I began experimenting with lamps and torches this week and used photography gels to create different lighting effects which would possibly be used in my installation. I used purples and blues as they are both very strong royal colours which represent wealth and power relating to the themes in my ballroom installation. The use of lighting is a strong feature in my installation as my aim is to create a link between installation art and theatre design and since there is a lot of stage lighting in the theatre it is a great idea to include this element in my installation.



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